Communication Mastery Bundle
We seriously got more in just 1 hour with your trainings than we did in months of counseling. Everyone says to communicate in a relationship, but you actually teach HOW and make it so clear with the step-by-step exercises!

- Alyssa in Arizona

We seriously got more in just 1 hour with your trainings than we did in months of counseling. Everyone says to communicate in a relationship, but you actually teach HOW and make it so clear with the step-by-step exercises!

- Alyssa in Arizona


You know you love each other, but lately you've been noticing that:

  • Seemingly simple conversations escalate into conflicts

...which we know is so frustrating

  • You are getting more reactive and defensive towards each other

...leaving you feeling discouraged

  • You're starting to avoid certain conversations so you don't trigger each other

...making your conversations more surface level

  • These conflicts are now going unresolved and apologies don't mean as much

...creating distance between you

  • Resentment is building as your emotional and physical connection is declining 

...leaving you disconnected

Your exercises simplify what felt very complex in our relationship. We finally resolved a lingering issue, thank you!

- Robert in California

Your exercises simplify what felt very complex in our relationship. We finally resolved a lingering issue, thank you!

- Robert in California


"I'm afraid that if our communication doesn't get better, we'll grow apart completely."

This is what one couple said before investing into gaining the tools with our communication mastery bundle.

Do you ever worry or fear that it won't improve for you?
Sure, you could justify staying stuck by saying you're different people and you just need to find ways to not rock the boat. Or keep thinking things will improve when you're not as busy, when things magically slow down, or you're past this stressful season. But does life ever slow down or come without stressors?

No, there will always be challenging circumstances in our lives....but with great communication, you can feel like a truly united, connected team.

You love each other a lot, but something has got to shift and your communication could definitely improve.

You're ready to learn key communication skills, get on the same page and grow together...without having to change each other or bring up the same ol' conversations again and again. Here is how that is going to happen:


Here's Everything You Get Today:

Don't worry, this course is designed for the busiest of couples. You can start and stop the video and audio lessons at a pace that works for you, your progress will always be tracked! 

$800 Value For Only $197

Here's Everything You Get Today:

Don't worry, this course is designed for the busiest of couples. You can start and stop the video and audio lessons at a pace that works for you, your progress will always be tracked! 

$800 Value For Only $197

Plus you're not going through this on your own,
we are here with you

Having coached literally hundreds of couples, hosted over 2000 couples in our workshops, written two books, and taught thousands through web classes; we KNOW what challenges you face AND which tools you need to overcome them.

Our courses are known for being the most relatable and practical.You won't hear philosophies that you can't take action from-- you'll hear step-by-step ways to express yourself effectively, interact in constructive ways when you disagree, and diffuse arguments before they escalate.

You don't have to take our word for just a few of the of the reviews from thousands of couples who have benefited from these tools...

Love, Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman


With This Course Bundle You Will Overcome Frustrating Patterns With Step-By-Step Tools To:


Learn & practice the most important communication skills no one taught you.

(the #1 reason couples sign up for our trainings)


Better handle & share your emotions with each other.

(without creating or escalating arguments)


Initiate important conversations in constructive ways

(without triggering defensiveness)


Implement the most important habit to stay connected in challenging moments.

(even when one of you doesn't get enough alone time and the other enough quality time)


Repair faster after arguments and fully resolve things emotionally 

(no more letting an "Argument Hangover" linger for days)

Get Lifetime Access For Your Mobile and Desktop Devices to These Resources


Access our 4 Most Popular Guides on Repair, De-escalation, Rebuilding, and Having a Family Meeting


Participate in 1 of the 30-Day Couples Challenges


The Bundle is made up of Video Trainings and Worksheets for:


7 Steps to End Recurring Upsets and Disappointments


3 Step Process to Expressing Yourself, Without Triggering an Argument or Defensiveness


Effective vs Ineffective Communication Model That Prevents Arguments From Starting


The New Way to Listen That Leaves the Other Person Feeling Emotionally Understood and Validated


Proven '5R' Process to Resolve Any Conflict (Past or Present)


And many more video trainings for Before, During, & After Conflcits

So you want to argue less?.... takes communication

So you want to connect more intimately?...takes communication

So you want to work through a lingering challenge?....takes communication

So you want more fun and fulfillment together?....takes communication


The Communication Mastery Bundle guides you in communicating better so you can create everything you want in the relationship.

So you want to argue less?....
that takes communication

So you want to connect more intimately?...
that takes communication

So you want to work through a lingering challenge?....
that takes communication

So you want more fun and fulfillment together?....
that takes communication


The Communication Mastery Bundle guides you in communicating better so you can create everything you want in the relationship.

Take 15 Seconds to Enroll and Get Immediate Access!
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The Details: Lifetime access to the Communication Mastery Bundle (available on mobile and desktop for easy access)

Right after you sign-up: You'll get immediate access to the bundle so you can create a login and dive right in to the content!
Take 15 Seconds to Enroll and Get Immediate Access!
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The Details: Lifetime access to the Communication Mastery Bundle (available on mobile and desktop for easy access)

Right after you sign-up: You'll get immediate access to the bundle so you can create a login and dive right in to the content!

Finally! See faster improvement in your communication and conflicts. Remove those frustrating patterns that drain your energy and connection.

Have questions about The Communication Bundle?

Email The Freemans

Finally! See faster improvement in your communication and conflicts. Remove those frustrating patterns that drain your energy and connection.

Have questions about The Communication Bundle?

